Top 5 Tips for finding best hotel prices and availability

Posted on June 22nd, 2012. Written by bookingbusinesstravel.

Always request just one room

Even if you need more than one room, start by requesting one. That way, you’ll be offered the cheapest room price available.
Then, change your search to see if additional rooms are available at the same price.

Searching for a specific hotel?

If you know the name of the hotel, don’t waste time scrolling through all the hundreds on offer.
Use the “Hotel Name Contains” search option on the left hand side under Refine Your Search

Need flexibility?

Choose a rate that only requires a credit card to guarantee, as opposed to the pre-paid prices and pay at check-out. and routinely offer this option.

How to get to the hotel?

Most hotels provide public transport information but Google Maps has an excellent tool. After locating your hotel use the Get Directions button to the left of the map. Choose by car, public transport or walking.

Book direct

Always use our hotel comparison engine but if the best price is available directly from the hotel’s web site, make that your preferred choice. The hotel will prefer that as they’ll pay lower “distribution fees” and they’ll have immediate access to the guest name.You may get preferential treatment dealing with any problems with your reservation and, for special requests such as a late check-out.
Otherwise you may be redirected to the third party booking agent through whom you made the reservation.

This entry was posted on Friday, June 22nd, 2012 at 10:22 am and is filed under Booking Tips. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


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